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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Malawi Team leaves on Sept 15th

The 2012 annual trip to Malawi is just around the corner.  Most of you are used to us traveling in the summer and may have thought we didn't go this year since you haven't heard or seen anything.  2011/2012 was an interesting time for Malawi and a time where we needed to step back and let God do his work so we knew how we might continue our partnership with those we love in Malawi.

The outcome of the hardships faced has been positive and Malawi appears to be on the road to recovery.  With President Joyce Banda at the helm, corruption is at bay, donors are coming back with much needed financial relief and safety has been restored.  This isn't to say that there aren't still issues warranting much prayer, but the LCPC team is optimistic about the future of Malawi and the orphans we care for.

Because of the later trip date we will miss our young adult missionaries who are either returning to school or starting their freshman year at college and we are hopeful that their experience's in Malawi will carry with them in the year ahead.  I am also looking forward to their returning to the travel team in 2013.

Once again, we have some first time travelers this year which is always a personal highlight, even more so this year as my husband Marc joins us.  Also joining David Cutler, Paul Sigmund and myself are Keith Goellner, who will bring with him his carpentry skills as well as musical talents.

Our schedule has us leaving NJ on Saturday 9/15 and returning on Monday, 10/1, and has been the case in previous years, we have a very aggressive agenda.  The highlights for this year's trip:
 - Installation of solar panels and lighting for the feeding center in Chimwong'ombe
 - Enlargement of solar board and panels at feeding center in Khwamba
 - More solar lanterns and cell phone chargers
 - Installation of home drip irrigation systems (pilot program) and extension of drip irrigation system at Matapila
 - Clothing hundreds of girls and boys with new dresses, shorts and t-shirts and soccer jerseys
 - Repair of soccer nets and swing sets previously installed
 - Vacation Bible School incorporating the following for the attendees:  bars of soap, bible lessons in their native language of Chichewa and new solar flashlights that they can use to get home in the dark.
 - Childcare at the Crisis Nursery
 - and other misc activities and assistance that God calls us to while in Malawi

We ask for your prayers that we may do the work we have planned and that we are able to minister effectively to those we serve.

Lisa Mandel

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