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Monday, September 17, 2012

Full report from Day one in Malawi

Hello from Malawi.... Great to be here.... 

Just a quick update from the first full day and a half here on the ground in Lilongwe, where we're staying and working with the Ministry of Hope folks.

All supplies, including the ocean-shipped crate have made it safely, and the team divided in half today with Keith and Paul working at the MOH offices to help build a ladder and other woodworking while also preparing all of the solar equipment for installation beginning as soon as tomorrow.

At the same time, David, Lisa and Marc went to the various downtown shops and worked to purchase additional supplies such as blankets, large pails for the irrigation equipment, grocery supplies and over 400 bars of soap for a VBS class for the kids at the feeding centers. We also sorted a bunch of donated soccer equipment and prepared it for distribution. 

We also met with the Director of the MOH who told us a great deal about the local successes in terms of new food and money sources such as breeding rabbits for sale, revitalizing the chicken coop and its egg production with hundreds of harvested eggs in their kitchen right now and more every two weeks.
Almost everything was successfully accomplished, and the team retired for a nice dinner at a local restaurant before returning to the boarding house which will be our home for the next week and a half.

We got great pictures of the various preparation work we did today and those will be posted here shortly. Until then, just know it's great to be here as all of the people we've met - both old and new friends - have been truly gracious and lovely and happy to get to know us. Malawi really is an amazing place and one I'm excited to get to know better over the next two weeks.

More soon,
God Bless,


1 comment:

  1. Great blog guys. I'm lookinng forward to see some of the photos.
