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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, a transition day in Lilongwe

Today's been a transition day of sorts, coming off four days at one Feeding center and preparing to visit our third, beginning tomorrow morning. The team divided this morning with Paul heading back to Khwamba where we were first, working with the electrical efforts there to ensure everything is in tip-top shape before we head back to the States. David headed out slightly later, and went shopping to prepare for our visit to the Ministry of Hope's Crisis Nursery where 16 vulnerable babies are being currently cared for by some of the most generous and amazing volunteers.

David shopped for baby formula, diapers and other supplies which with sixteen babies in-house, are always in short supply and need.

He found a compassionate store manager at the local grocer and was able to secure a special price for the supplies and formula, allowing for the purchase of everything hoped for!

Then, it was all about the babies.

David, Lisa, Keith and I went inside to the various rooms, each holding five or six babies with a volunteer caregiver and we held and fed some of them for about an hour. It was really pretty magical to see these kids and their big bright brown eyes looking at us and smile. It just melts your heart.

Tonight we're hosting a lovely dinner here at the hotel for our team and local senior members of the Ministry of Hope Office. I hear the kitchen here at the Lodge is making something like a six course meal with a combination of local and Western dishes for all to enjoy. It should really be a great celebration tonight. I'll write more about it afterward or in tomorrow's entry.

Until then, all our love to friends and family back home,

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