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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Going to church in Chimwong'ombe

Hello everyone. It's Sunday night here in beautiful Malawi as I write this, reflecting on our first week ending on a high-note -- going to church in Chimwong'ombe.

The team drove the same 90-minute drive we have been making over the past couple of days, returning to Chimwong'ombe but this time, instead of heading to the MOH feeding center, we headed to the area church.

The first impression made upon arriving is just how impressive the church is, whether for local or global standards. It's a large brick building able to comfortably invite hundreds of worshipers to church service that can typically run anywhere from 2 to 6 hours depending on the Sunday and what's on the agenda.

We were greeted by the Pastor and the church elders who invited the team in and welcome us warmly in a small anteroom just outside of the main area. We all introduced ourselves and learned a little about the church which impressed us. Then, we were led into the main church room and given VIP seating up front, facing out into the group sitting with the elders and Pastor.

One of the most touching parts of the church visit today was seeing more than ten little boys and girls there wearing the new dresses and outfits we distributed yesterday. It was a amazing seeing them treat the modest clothes we gave as their "Sunday best" and how beautiful and handsome each of them looked in their outfits! They all seemed so proud to be wearing their new clothes to church!

Like in a past year, Paul was honored with the opportunity to deliver the day's sermon. He climbed the pulpit and delivered an hour of thought provoking ideas and held everyone in the room on every word he masterfully delivered.

There was significant music both before and after the sermon with various choirs singing, dancing and playing musical instruments in their joyous celebration. Even the audience got in on the dancing and singing from their seating areas!

Following Paul's sermon, the collections were conducted with people generously offering their last coins in thanks to the church. Interestingly, they immediately did the count of all collections and announced the notable ones by name and amount in front of the room, even mentioning Liberty Corner's gift which caused a couple of older worshipers to break out into spontaneous dance.

The team also presented a donated guitar to the church, complimenting the drum set which was given last year. I can't begin to explain what their own instruments were like - just imagine hand-carved wood and cardboard boxes making music. They were thrilled to receive the guitar!

The team was surprised by the church's gift back to us when they gave us a huge bucket of locally grown nuts and a beautiful bowl, as well as really great (but somewhat warm) wool wrap in thanks for our visit and support to their church family. It was amazingly flattering!

Immediately following the church service, Keith offered to work with some of the church's local musicians to explore new drumming techniques. The drums could be heard throughout the village as Keith jammed with some of the best local musicians who loved the session with him.

Finally, the local MOH feeding center Director graciously invited the team back to his home to meet his family and enjoy a local African meal of Nsima, eggs and peas. They prepared such a lovely meal we all enjoyed it, even if some of the foods or their preparation were new to some of our taste buds.

It was such a fantastic day.

We can't wait to go back for our final day at Chimwong'ombe and have the chance to see those kids one more time while at the same time finishing the solar project there, bringing light to the feeding center where up to now there's none.

It's so amazing being here!

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. It's an inspired gift to be able to read of everyone's efforts there and the grateful hearts that receive you. Thanks!
