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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday in Khwamba

Tired group writing to you tonight from Malawi.  A very rewarding day filled with kids, kids and more kids.  Just like the thriving pilot rabbit program, these kids are multiplying before our eyes.  Food security is a major issue right now due to both a meager harvest and a double in the price of maize from last year.  We got to see and hear how rabbits are being used for food and for sale for food and allowing families to improve their food situation.

We circled this morning for our daily devotions and Paul led us through An interesting discussion on intersecting values from the scientific and Christian communities, as we pondered light vs darkness; our devotional theme for this trip.

We installed our 1st pilot family-size drip irrigation system, and it was truly a team effort.

Our bible study focused on God's promise in the book of John 8 that Jesus is our Light.  Each child was given a solar-powered flashlight to use as another light source in their home to assist with reading and schoolwork.  It is important to remember that there is no electricity in these villages.

A day in a village would not be complete without a good deal of lap time,and the kids are especially fond of Marc and follow him around for a chance of a high-five, a pickup or a bounce on the knee.

David, Marc and Lisa left the village exhilarated and exhausted.  Paul and Keith are spending the night in the village to get a much more vivid experience of life at night in complete darkness.  We'll pick them up tomorrow as we go back for Day 3.  Please pray for them tonight.

Everyone remains healthy and moved by these experiences.We miss our prior group members as we carry on the mission in their absence.

Much love, Lisa

1 comment:

  1. Great job you guys. Love the pictures! Keep up the good reporting. Continuing to pray for you all.
