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Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday in Malawi

Do I dare say we woke up again to another beautiful morning? We did not have internet service yesterday,so I will provide you with the highlights as we wrapped up our time in Khwamba village.

Paul led the way to completion of the larger solar power board, new lighting for the mobile medical clinic and additional cell phone chargers.  The number of cell phones used is truly amazing.  The children we encounter know little English, but Marc pulled out a pair of headsets to share some music and they all knew the word "headset" -- just proves that kids are kids, no matter where you go.

The rest of the team drove out to a more remote village and installed two more drip irrigation systems.  The villagers, men and women, we're very eager to be involved and learn.  They are incredible- humbling reminder that we Americans do not always know best -- we demonstrated how to tie the tripod stand together and wouldn't you know, when they did the next one, it was a better and more secure design.

One of the teams best experiences of the day was gathering with the villagers after we completed the gardens and hearing them sing praise - such amazing voices.  The pastor led them in song and shouts of "Hallelujah" for the visit and the work we had done.  We provided each family head with a bible in Chichewa, and before we left, several requests came for more.  God is very much at work here.

As is the case everywhere we go, we spent a lot of time taking pictures and showing them their photos - this is one of the greatest joys they have.  Such a small gift to give when you get a gentle tap on the arm and a request for "jambalani" (picture).  Always gives a lot of giggles when they see themselves, regardless of age.

David also ran the dental education program and the kids laughed hysterically when he demonstrated spitting out the paste when done.  The excitement for toothbrushes rivaled that of the soap.

Finally, Paul drove out to visit Grace, a young girl we met several years ago.  She and Diana became friends.  Last year, after passing her exams to begin secondary school, we found out Grace had gotten pregnant - a far too common occurrence here.  Grace named her baby after Diana. Paul gave Grace one of our Diana's favorite dresses from when she was a baby, and Grace immediately put it on baby Diana.  Grace is king back to school now, after missing a year, and her grandparents care for the baby so she can attend school.

Far too much to blog happening.

Going to another feeding center today we call C'Bay, because it is far too difficult to pronounce or spell.  Pray we show the face of Jesus to all we meet.
We. Miss you all.

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