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Monday, July 11, 2011

Team returns to New Jersey

Hi blog followers -- We arrived safely this morning, tired, but feeling like the two weeks went by too quickly.  The Africa dirt has been washed down the drain, chocolate chip pancakes have been eaten, and washing machines in high gear.

We can't wait to sit down with everyone to tell the stories and share pictures of our experiences.  We are working on a consolidated photo site and I'll post the address once it is set up.

The challenge for us is to stay up until this evening so we can get back on EST time as quickly as possible. Sleep was not easy on the 15 hour flight home. (The good news is that we no longer have to stop for refueling in Dakar, so it is just one very log leg).

We apologize for not blogging toward the end of our trip but as expected, we had no means of communication while we were at Lake Malawi.  You should know that we had a truly relaxing time of reflection and spent time planning next year's trip.

One of our discussion topics was the "God moments" we experienced while in Malawi.  I won't mention others as we agreed to keeping our discussions to the team, but I do want to share one of mine because it represents how present our God is, when we just take the time to sit back and see it.
 - I think I had related that we had the children make shiny gold crowns as part of the VBS program, as a reminder of Queen Esther's bravery.   While we were in Khwamba, we continued to see crowns each day until we left.  We ran the same program in the village of Matapila.  On Day 3, we were driving back into the villages and I mentioned aloud that I hadn't seen any crowns since the first day and that I hope our message came through as strongly as it did in Khwamba.  I was really questioning the work we were doing.  Within a minute, one child with a crown came into view, then another, then 2 more.  We all sat there in amazement as we noticed the message of reassurance we had received.  This remains one of my favorite moments of the trip.  I am too easily distracted with life to notice God speaking to me and to have this unfold to our group as in that moment in our van on a dusty, bumpy road, was just awesome.

We are glad to be home and reunited with our families and thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

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