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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday- Quick recap of successful projects!

The team finished up the third day in Matapila with completing the expanded irrigation project in the vegetable garden. The size of the garden tripled and the irrigation system was enhanced. All of the drip tapes were replaced and a solar powered pump is now delivering water to the irrigation tank.

VBS went really well and we had over 100 kids learning about how God changes lives. It was exciting to see them wearing the crowns we had made on Monday throughout the rest of the time we were there. Once again the children aplauded and cheered when they recieved a toothbrush and toothpaste, thanks to the kind donations from Colgate-Palmolive. Lisa gave them instruction on proper technique and were excited to go home and start brushing.

The soccer clinics went really well at Matapilla. The young girls were so energixed to recieve the cleats and jerseys for their teams. They held out their feet for a photo shoot and were proud and grateful for what we brought to them.

We had a special treat when we went to Joseph's (center director for Matapila) home for a lunch of nsema and chicken with gravy and greens. We met the regional tribal head of the area who looks after 40,000 people. We got to hear about his plans and the struggles that he faces as chief. He was impressed about the projects that we brought o the people in his villages and asked for our email adresses so that we could stay in touch!

Heading to Lake Malawi today for some time of reflection and contemplation before heading back home on Sunday.

ps- for those who care....Our breakfast chef, Perry, who was a former chef at the Egyptian and French Embassies, prepared a fantastic feast for David's 58th birthday, which is also the independence day of Malawi. Complete with party horns and chocolate cake!

Miss you all back home, and see you in just a few days.

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