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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday Update

The team is venturing out for our last day in the field - back to Matapila to lay the tubing for the irrigation system. We woke up to a very windy and sprinkling day - while this may sound unattractive, this is the first time we've seen rain in Malawi, so it is a nice change of pace.

Our devotion this morning was on impatience and it was quite timely as we learned that our pre-shipment will not arrive during our time here. Due to a strike in South Africa, the pallet was moved from Durban to Jo'Burg, but will not arrive in Lilongwe for another 10 days (or so they say). This is a bit disappointing as we hoped to be able to distribute the gifts, build the bookcases and start the libraries, etc. But, all in God's time. We can't control some of these things.

Diana and Caroline will stay at the Crisis Nursery today as the rest of the group heads out to the feeding center. More of us were going to go to the nursery, but due to us coughing and sniffling, felt it was best not to expose these susceptible babies to possible germs.

The experience at Khwamba is still weighing heavy on our hearts and we are struggling to process the intensity of the situation in those villages. We're unsatisfied with the small contribution we are making and are looking to God for guidance on how to improve the conditions. Emotions are bubbling over and that is a good thing as we encourage each other to share our feelings -- looking forward to the retreat in a few days so we can further dig into this trip. Those of us who have done this before know how hard it is to acclimate ourselves back to our lives after having this experience.

Almost forgot to mention that we had a fabulous traditional Malawian meal last night with Nsema, beans, rice, chicken, and it was very filling. Don't be looking for any of us to have lost weight -- these carbs are tough!

Love to all and we can feel your prayers with us.

Team of 10. (LD)

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