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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday update from Malawi

We had a wonderful day in Khwamba yesterday; as we were driving into the village, the children saw the van and began to cheer and scream "Mzungu" (white people) - they were so excited to have us back again. In our devotions this morning, we contemplated the sheer joy they have in just having us smile, play and touch them. They are starved for touch and it has such a healing quality that is just lacking.
One little boy that was playing with us yesterday had a wound on his foot. He got stepped on and it really opened it up. As he cried, we rushed to try and treat him. He was so brave as Karen and I cleansed and bandaged the wound. Other children pretended to have sores, just so they would be touched by us.

One of the other differences we've noticed in these children is that they lack underwear. Seems so hard to think of this as a privilege - many cute little butt cheeks were exposed. This has really gotten be thinking about drives and fundraisers for next year.

We had a great day and are excited to go back out today and finish our projects. We will dedicate the swing set, install the soccer nets and release the balls and wrap up ouor VBS program in a ceremony where the children put their paper hands on the big tree to show their commitment to serving each other, as Jesus would have us do. Today, we will also visit 4 orphans' homes and meet with their caretakers. We find this to be one of the most special moments of the trip and we hope to find new friends today.

The biggest challenge in visiting Khwamba are the roads - after we get off the main road, it is all pot-hold dirt roads. We've had our fair share of bouncing in the van.

Weather conditions continue to be perfect - 75 degrees and sunny, AGAIN!

Have a great day. We hope you are enjoying these updates.

1 comment:

  1. We are missing all of you but glad to hear updates on a regular basis. Continue to stay safe and healthy as you bring God's light to this impoverished area. LTC
