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Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1 - Our send off

All of the travelers and families gathered at LCPC early Sunday morning to load the pickup with crates and head off to the airport in the van. a Special thanks to friends and family who drove us to the airport to ensure a safe and timely send off.

The crates
Friends old and new are heading over for a little more than 2 weeks, during which we'll strengthen our bonds with one another, with the people of Malawi, and with Jesus Christ.

Jackie, Lisa, and Diana

Once we were all loaded up and ready to go, all ten travelers got together for our now traditional send off group photo. Looking bright-eyed for 6:45am, here's our team.

The 2010 Malawi Mission team
Well, we're off! Wish us luck and know we'll stay in touch throughout the trip on this blog as well as we can to keep each of our loved ones throughout the world updated every few days.

God bless,
The 2010 Malawi mission team

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