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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tough times in Khwamba today.

We speak to you today with heavy hearts as we return from Khwamba where the children are  much less healthy, engaged and fed than what we've seen so far.  It was tough to see them licking their plates from the one Meal they get today and watching their tattered clothes hang off their bodies. It is also cooler here and their aren't any coats, blankets hats or shoes.  There was also a prevalence of coughing, developmental issues and visible illnesses.

One boy appeared to have an umbilical hernia, many had skin ailments that lacked treatment and one had a poorly bandaged foot.

A bit overwhelmed and need to process and feel good about what we can accomplish here in the next few days.

There were some really bright moments.  The gardens around the feeding center are plentiful and they have a maize mill that provides enough funding for four secondary school scholarships.  Also, the tree we made with their handprints will leave a nice memory of our time together.

All in all a positive day and the team is feeling good about the work we are doing.

Please keep your prayers coming as we enter week two of this trip.

Love your Malawi team.

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