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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday update

Good morning, all!

I am so excited to relay that the irrigation system in Matapila is in place and functional. This will enable planting so that the children in this feeding center will have greens (mustard seed, kale, etc) to supplement their meal. Currently, they are feeding 3x//week, but only have nsema (maize meal) - there are no more provisions of beans or greens, so the diet is filling at best; very little nutritional value.

We honored the Ministry of Hope staff at dinner last evening.

Cherie, Karen, Jackie and Caroline left at 5:45 am this morning to travel out to Chimwang'ombe to serve with the Mobile Medical Clinic where they will treat the hundreds of villagers that will be anxiously waiting for the monthly service. The remaining folks will enjoy today at the Crisis Nursery caring for the 21 babies.

Once they are through, they will travel back and we will all head south to begin our retreat - time of reflection and planning for next year.

Please keep this specific prayer in your hearts today -- we learned last evening at dinner that 3 babies were recently turned away from the Crisis Nursery because they don't have the means to take in more babies. While the monthly budget has allowed for caring for 27 babies, funding is actually at 50%, so the funds only allow them to manage 15 babies. In order to support 27 babies, they need Mk8K a month, which is roughly $46 US/month. While this seems insignificant, the worldwide economic crisis continues to affect giving and they have no choice but to manage to the funds they have. Please pray that they can raise the needed monies to restore their services to the 27 babies. Please know that there are story after story of how this nursery has saved babies lives and don't have another place to turn.

Please pray for our safety as we journey south today and conclude our service with the babies and the feeding centers.

In Christ,
Malawi Team 2010


  1. What a great blog! I'm sitting at my desk in DC, but I feel like I'm right there in Malawi with you. Have we heard anything about the babies that were at the crisis nursery last year? They'll be in my heart always. Can't wait to see all the pictures when you get back!

  2. That's incredible that so many can be fed for so little. I'm sure that the funds needed by the center can be raised once you are back. Is there a way of getting funds from the US into the feeding center's coffers? Reminds me of my UNICEF boxes during Halloween.
