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Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday morning in Malawi

It is hard to believe we are already into week 2. We spent a relaxing Sunday in Chimwang'ombe, one of the feeding center areas supported by Ministry of Hope. The 4 hour church service was fabulous and we enjoyed 7 choirs, an uplifting sermon by Paul Sigmund on the fall of man and the relationship we get to have with God as restored by JC. The offering was spectacular as the congregation is on their feet singing and dancing in praise of how they get to support the work of the church. A far departure from the LCPC congregation and the exercise of managing to keep services within a set time frame. The 4 hours was short due to our request that we needed to get back. Ordinarily, these folks devote Sunday to the Lord. You need to see the videos. Words cannot do justice to the sheer joy of this experience.
While our pre-shipped pallet has still not arrived, we were able to announce the forthcoming donation of a new drum set. The congregation went wild with applause. (Thanks, Keith G.).

On our way back to town, we ventured into the shopping district for some fabric and wood shopping. While not as busy on a Sunday, this is a rich experience as we see life as a local.

Today we head back to Khwamba for more bubbles, crafts, VBS and hopefully the completion of the swing set and soccer nets. The emotions of the team are welling up in our hearts as we truly feel the desperation and need of the orphans. While we are playing a very very small part of providing some hope, it is hard to imagine how much worse the conditions could be if it were not for the MOH. So much to think about and process.

We know the work we are doing here is successful due to your prayers and we thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts.

We are energized, prayerful and excited about the work for the next few days.

We can't wait to share pictures to help bring these words and experiences to life.

MVT 2010

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