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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weds in Khwamba

Lisa found she can email from Ward's Blackberry. At some level that's a huge discovery given the general perception that those phones work simply EVERYWHERE which clearly we've learned isn't true.

She said that they had a great day in Khwamba at the feeding center where they fed roughly 300 kids until the food ran out and the volunteers had to make more.

The first day of VBS was also a success and even showed the kids a world map giving a sense of perspective of a world outside of their own line of sight.

She added that the solar panel installation is going well and that it was neat to see everyone watching intently to see what is going on and what's being installed.

Finally, she said as they drove away they watched kids walking home wearing gold crowns that they made to remember Esther's bravery.

All in all it sounds like a full, rewarding and great day.

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