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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday in Malawi

This blog is coming to you from the US Embassy - no, we're not in trouble; just doing some business and checking out the digs our taxpayer money funds.

Yesterday was a great day spent at the nursery with 15 babies; the youngest is one week old.  Very moving experience as we consider where these babies would be without the nursery to take care of them.  They each have a unique and tragic story and we'll hear more of these when we return today.

Also lots of shopping for more supplies in preparation for our trip to Khwamba tomorrow.  Paul doing his engineering work to build a ladder and ensure we will be safe building the roofs. 

Next blog update will come when we get another surge of power (yes, cold showers again today) - ugh. 
Love you all and please continue your prayers...

1 comment:

  1. You are all doing great things and are already missed dearly. Be safe, bring the blessing and joy of your visit to them and come home safely.
