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Monday, June 20, 2011

Malawi Team Prepares for Journey - June 2011

It's been close to a year since we were in Malawi and for some, it feels like last week.  The 2011 travel team departs on June 25, 2011 and will arrive back home on July 11.  Liberty Corner church commissioned us this past Sunday with other missionaries leaving for Tennessee and China.

The 2011 Team:
David and Emily Cutler -   David is the trip co-leader and this will be his 4th trip.  Emily is just completing her junior year at Ridge HS and is excited to bring her soccer skills to the children of Malawi.

Paul and Diana Sigmund -
Paul has been leading our capital initiatives over the past 3 years - drip irrigation, swing set construction and this year the installation of a solar system at one of the feeding centers.  His daughter Diana is graduating from Morristown HS this week and is looking forward to spending her 3rd trip playing with the children and managing the VBS program.

Ward Scheiderman -
Ward is returning this summer for his 2nd trip and has been actively involved in the chicken growth and sustainability project.  Ward also uses his accounting skills to ensure we don't run out of money.

Kristen Power -
Kristen is just completing her junior year at Ridge HS.  Kristen brings her experience from past mission trips to Appalachia and Honduras with her to serve the children of Malawi.

Lisa Mandel -
Lisa will be traveling to Malawi for her 5th visit and co-leads the trip with David.  She is looking forward to finding yet more babies and children to love.

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