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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our container shipment:

A good friend is VP for UTC, an international freight forwarding company, and guided us thru the intricacies of shipping a partial container load of supplies to Malawi. His final comments are worth sharing:

Thanks for sharing this story and most of all caring for God’s children in Malawi. It is evident that God’s hand was guiding this shipment and even when from an earthly perspective it may have seemed a bit farfetched, He opened / closed the doors to make this happen. I have spent my career shipping hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment overseas for steel mills, can plants , oil rigs but your small shipment will have a greater impact then all these , not because of its contents but because of the love that will be personally delivered with it.

May God protect and may His will be in done in Malawi.

Thanks for letting me have a small part in this outreach.

Take care,

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