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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday update

The team reported in by email this morning saying all is still going well, although everyone is getting tired from the hard work. Spirits remain high however which appears to be energizing.

The team will be back at Matapila for their third day at the feeding center there. Home visits began this week which are always big highlights for everyone, and Lisa who had been looking forward to a specific home visit to a little girl who she first met as an infant a couple of years ago named Valentina. Valentina is healthy and growing up and doing very well, but was still scared of Lisa and the visitors. They were able to present a bible with an inscription in it translated to Chichewa, the local Malawi language was an important and beautiful moment.

In addition, VBS is on-going. and going well. The kids made gold crowns in the craft program to remind them of the bravery of Queen Esther.

The team also led instruction at the center for how to brush your teeth and gave toothbrushes and toothpaste to all. Certainly another highlight for the kids having never seen this nor had access to a brush before.

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