Additional Information

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Karen and Sean MacNamara live in Basking Ridge, NJ  and their daughter Shannon MacNamara at age 15 started this mission in 2008.
SHARE stands for  SHannon's After-school Reading Exchange.
They now take tons of children book to schools in Tanzania, Africa to empower children, especially young women, on learning to read.
In preparation for our August trip to Malawi SHARE provide us with 7 cases of books and we will construct sturdy book shelves to house them at a MoH feeding center. We look forward to expanding our partnership with SHARE to help educate the young people, the future Africa.
Many thanks to them and their work. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

For the Future World Cup Super Stars!

Let's help these kids have a more enjoyable game of soccer....

Thanks to the help of Brendan Quinn of Thomson Reuters, we were able to collect through his local kids soccer league in Berekely Hieghts, NJ, over 75 soccer balls; 100 pair of leather soccer cleats and 2 complete sets of team uniforms to present to the kids attending the Ministry of Hope ( feeding centers outside the capital city of Lilongwe, Malawi.
We shipped this equipment over in early June and they are set to arrive in Lilongwe, Malawi as we step off our long plane flight on Monday, Aug 2nd.
I will have with me 4 soccer nets and will construct 4 goal cages form PVC pipe once I get there.
We also have Thomson Reuters lanyards with whistles, sideline flags and cones.
These kids will play soccer like world champions. Watch for picture updates on this blog.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Team Commissioning

The Malawi team was commissioned at the LCPC church service this morning. A few people couldn't make it, but here is a picture of Don leading prayer for us.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Muffins4Malawi a Success!

We held our first fundraiser last weekend; donations for really good muffins -- thanks to those who supported us by baking and donating! This was a huge success and something we'll definitely do a few times in preparation for next year!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chimwang'ombe Musical Group

This is the musical group we encountered at Chimwang'ombe last year. They constructed their own instruments from common materials, and they sounded great! Recently we found a complete used drum set, and after restoration it was shipped ahead of us to Malawi to be presented to the group. We were also donated a used guitar and we are trying to figure out how to take it with us.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our container shipment:

A good friend is VP for UTC, an international freight forwarding company, and guided us thru the intricacies of shipping a partial container load of supplies to Malawi. His final comments are worth sharing:

Thanks for sharing this story and most of all caring for God’s children in Malawi. It is evident that God’s hand was guiding this shipment and even when from an earthly perspective it may have seemed a bit farfetched, He opened / closed the doors to make this happen. I have spent my career shipping hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment overseas for steel mills, can plants , oil rigs but your small shipment will have a greater impact then all these , not because of its contents but because of the love that will be personally delivered with it.

May God protect and may His will be in done in Malawi.

Thanks for letting me have a small part in this outreach.

Take care,